Build Purposeful Confidence

Learn what's innately within you and walk your purposeful path.

Why do you need purposeful confidence?

Purpose, meaning and belonging in our lives are universal human needs. Embracing a gifts-based philosophy enables us to articulate our unique contributions in a purposeful way, builds confidence, and creates certainty for us to walk on our gifted path – together.

Gifts-Based Personal Development

Build an appreciation for your unique contributions and the gifts you’ve acquired in your life. Live in your own unique ways.

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Tailored, Gifts-Based Coaching

Clarify how you integrate your core gift into your life and by engaging in a tailored coaching program to support your journey

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How do we build purposeful confidence?

Many strategies are available…

From positive psychology to neuroscience, from Forbes to Harvard Business Review articles, the importance of purpose is well understood and studied. We are surrounded by commentary about the role of purpose and our need to go find it in life.

Unfortunately, most people struggle to articulate their purpose despite many processes available. This can often lead to its own form of purpose-finding anxiety.

…Some strategies are better than others

Purpose, meaning and belonging are all outcomes. When we live our lives and contribute in a way that is meaningful to us, we experience purpose. Therefore, the question is, “What gifts am I able to uniquely contribute?”

Innate-ly supports its clients to understand their gifts, articulate their core gift, and discover how to give their gifts in the world.

What is the philosophy of gifts?

Based on the work of Bruce Anderson, founder of the Core Gift Institute, philosophy of gifts is founded in ancient wisdom. Gifts-based development work supports individuals to find inspiration and meaning in life from what is already within them. This work motivates members of teams and communities to combine their gifts to add value and build an engaging workplace. Clarity of your core gift brings the ability to live a life focused on honing your ability to give your gift with confidence.

What will I get from understanding my gifts?

  • Create Meaning

    Define your core gift and see the path you’ve been on your whole life. Through the lens of your core gift, your successes and failures, your wins and losses – they are all connected to your core gift.

  • Inform Decisions

    Define your core gift and see a path you've been on your whole life. Through the lens of your core gift, successes and failures, wins and losses are all connected to your core gift.

  • Navigate life transitions

    Life transitions such as career changes or starting a family raise new questions. Knowing your gifts helps you navigate these transitions and enter into the new phase with clarity.

  • Amplify your positive impact on the world

    Connecting with your core gift creates an authenticity and confidence. Giving your gift and appreciating the gifts of others will leave a lasting impact on those around you.

“Deep in our bones lies an intuition that we arrive here carrying a bundle of gifts to offer to the community. Over time, these gifts are meant to be seen, developed, and called into the [Global] village at times of need.”

- Francis Weller

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How we can help?

Our team members are skilled across a multitude of disciplines, geographies, and industries. Regardless of where or who our clients are, confidence, connection, and empowerment emerge as critical elements of designing the experience we all desire in our communities and workplaces.

  • Meaningful life
  • Engaging workplace
  • Valued contributions
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